Creatine is a well-known substance of natural origin, which is actively used for the purpose of stimulating and improving athletic performance. It is a special molecule of great importance in the energy metabolism of muscles and nerve cells. Today it is used as a dietary supplement to improve physical fitness.

Gainer is a “younger” food supplement that has recently become widespread. It differs from creatine in its main function, which is to replenish the body with nutrients and energy. Gainer will give you vigor, strength and energy for a more effective workout. Since sports nutrition requires special attention and needs to be supplemented with special supplements, every athlete who wants to improve his performance faces the question: should you take nutritional supplements and combine them with each other? We propose to deal with this question together.

Why do I need to take gainer?
Its main purpose is to increase the body weight in general by increasing muscle mass. The basis of the composition of this substance are carbohydrates, while protein, for example, consists largely of proteins. Gainer is recommended for athletes who are thin. They are often faced with the problem of gaining muscle mass. Gainer will give their body a huge dose of kilocalories, which will accelerate the process of gaining mass.

In no case it should not be taken by those who are prone to obesity. Such athletes run the risk of gaining not muscle mass, but a fat layer. The supplement contains a large amount of sugars, so it is important to choose sports nutrition carefully and take it according to the recommended dosage. Before combining any supplements, study the composition and find out whether you can combine these products with each other.

Creatine: What is it for?
Figuratively speaking, a gainer is an explosion of activity, and creatine is a metabolic activator. They are both essential to the body. When used simultaneously, the latter will become the basis for triggering the energy obtained through the gainer. Creatine can be taken daily in a standard dosage or depending on the workload and training schedule. You should take breaks when taking creatine. Gainer, on the other hand, is an analogue of a high-calorie meal. Creatine works not only as a metabolic booster but also as an additional source of energy for the nervous, muscular and cardiovascular systems.

How do I take creatine?
These sports supplements can be combined with each other. This improves their effectiveness and does not have a negative impact on the body. It is better to combine creatine with multi-component gainers as the latter contain a large amount of proteins and carbohydrates that can be assimilated by the body at different speeds. It is important to make sure that the product does not contain a lot of sugar. The quality of proteins is also important – a combination of “slow” (casein) and “fast” (whey, egg) would be ideal. It is recommended to refrain from using preparations with soy proteins. Choose products with detailed information on their composition (preferably in percentages).

Dosage recommendations and drug regimens are very individual. Most athletes prefer to take supplements an hour and a half before training, with the maximum daily dose being about 6 grams for creatine and up to 170 grams for gainer (a portion should be divided into several doses).