It is recommended to open a store of sports nutrition in cities with a population of 100 thousand people, where there are fitness centers, gyms, etc. Having previously studied the market and demand for the goods, you will understand whether there is a target audience in the city and how relevant your offer is to it.

Trade in sports nutrition can be presented in different formats – each of them has advantages and disadvantages. Let’s consider each option in more detail.

Opening a retail outlet in cooperation with a working sports business: gyms, fitness studios, sports clubs, fitness centers. You can involve the administration of these institutions in the sale of goods by offering to pay a percentage of the profits. In this case, your main function is the formation of an assortment and delivery. You do not have to look for commercial space and spend money on its promotion, to find a salesman. All you have to do is organize the process. This is one of the simplest and cheapest formats. Perhaps it is with him that a first-time entrepreneur should begin, to try his hand in the business, gain experience, and then invest in larger projects.

Opening small (5-7 square meters. m) specialized departments to sell sports nutrition in large shopping malls with a large number of potential customers. Such an idea can easily be adapted to the format of the island in the shopping center.

A stand-alone store with an area of 10-15 square meters. m. This is a more serious step which is primarily relevant for large cities. With large foot traffic and demand for goods you have a chance to pay off such a project. Location and in this case should be chosen with reference to the favorable neighborhood, but you can open on the main streets of the city. Such a retail outlet will require more investments: in addition to the fact that will increase the cost of rent, advertising and commercial equipment, more and purchase of goods will increase significantly. Entrepreneurial risks will be much higher. Three key conditions for opening a full-size sports nutrition store: high demand for the goods, a favorable location and experience in this segment.

Internet-shop. It is much easier and cheaper to organize trade in sports nutrition online, but this does not mean that it is more profitable. There is nothing complicated about creating an account in social networks, to purchase goods and monitor the availability of the range. You can order the creation of a showcase site, but it is better to postpone for the future, until sales become stable. In terms of organization, this is the easiest option, in which entrepreneurs become their own reseller. But on the other hand, you have to determine in advance how you will look for customers and promote your business. More than 50% of athletes prefer to buy specialty foods through offline outlets so that they can be assured of the quality of the product.

The size of the capital investment will also depend on the choice of store format. The cheapest option is to open an online store. Make purchases in advance you will not need to pay rent – too. And at the beginning you will be able to cope with orders yourself.

A more costly, but no less simple way – to offer cooperation to the sports establishment and deal with the supply of goods.

The next option – an island in the mall.

The most expensive and risky project – opening a full-fledged sports store. Here already have to spend money on rent and equipment of the trading area, and advertising, and purchase of goods.

Choose a suitable format, based on the financial capabilities of the project and the conditions under which it will be implemented.